External Request for Results
Referring Doctors – Results should be delivered by your preferred mode of delivery within 30min of being authorised by the reporting pathologists. If you wish to discuss a case with a pathologist prior to a report being released, or you have difficulties accessing any reports, please do not hesitate to contact us on (03) 9543 6111 between the hours of 8am-5pm weekdays. Outside of these hours you may leave a message which will be attended first thing the following day or contact an after hours pathologist as instructed on the message.
Non-referring doctors – For reasons of privacy and specimen tracking, we require all ‘non-referring doctor’ requests for results to be submitted in writing. This can be requested by completing the results request form (PDF) and returning by fax (9543 6777) or email (info@tissupath.com.au).
Requests will be attended in an expedient manner, however each individual request requires assessment by one of our pathologists so small delays are sometimes inevitable. If urgent results are required you may request to speak directly to one of our pathologist or contact the requesting doctors rooms directly.